How to Edit Newborn Photos to Make It Even Adorable

Photo Editing Image
Photo Editing Jul 7, 2023

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how to edit newborn photos

Why is it necessary to edit newborn photos? Or how to edit newborn photos? or why do we even need to caption a baby's photo? well you see, time flies… You will never know how your little one will grow so fast in front of your few blinks. Days are long, years are short. Maybe that’s why people usually don’t realize the value and depth of a moment until it becomes a memory. Newborns grow even faster.

Soon your little one will start going to school, soon will pass primary school, then high school, then college and one-day graduation. You will see them touching their success slowly yet gradually. Or maybe on their big day when they will walk down the aisle. You will miss your little one’s little moments. The first step, first word, first calling your name, first smile, first cry. Then you will miss these days. You’ll miss his/her little things. Soon you will wish to capture every first moment of his/her life. So don’t waste your time, capture these moments for eternity.

How to Edit Newborn Photos

What can be more beautiful than a newborn’s first few moments? So, why not capture them in the frame and call it a core memory? Of course newborns are beautiful, but they are also vulnerable. So no matter how carefully you want to handle the baby for the picture, it will show that vulnerability. So leave it to the editing. Today we will talk about how to edit newborn photos. But first we should know why we need to edit newborn photos.

Why We Need to Edit Newborn Photos

Just like newborn photos are crucial to click, it’s also crucial to edit. Newborns are special to their parents and close ones. Not only the close ones, but also the persons who are nowhere related to the newborn. They are meant to be special for almost everyone.

So, their pictures deserve to be special. Not only clicking, but their picture also needs retouching to make the moment memorable at the same time aesthetically. And these pictures are the only memories to hold. Now, I hope you have already understood why newborn photo editing is important.

Things to Keep in Mind to Edit Newborn Photo

There are a few things to keep in mind while editing or retouching newborn baby pics. But let’s jot down some basic points to focus on...

The colors game will start while shooting the pictures. Set up the spot. Get an idea of what you want the theme to be for the shoot. Then get the baby. If you are not good with babies, please hire a professional newborn photographer or get help from someone great at handling babies.

Photography is not an easy thing. Newborns need special treatment and care. That’s why it’s important to focus on their poses as well. It will make photography 50% more interesting.

Color adjustment

If you focus on the colors of newborn babies, you might notice some dark undertones of the skin like red or purplish tones. Babies have very sensitive skin. Their skin is so soft and thin that it needs to have an ideal ph. balance of 5.5. which makes the skin almost look transparent.

So, most of the time, their skin is so thin that you can see the undertone very clearly. Places like the face, feet, hand palm, etc. Some will also have tones of yellow. The first thing that needs to focus on is the colors. You need to adjust the color. No part of the body should look different than the rest. You can also use Photoshop Airbrush for color adjustments.

Skin Texture Smoothing

Just like the color, texture is also important. Newborns usually have uneven skin texture like flaky skin, bums or acne-looking spots all over the skin. Sometimes those uneven skin textures can drive attention from the baby to the flaws of the skin.

The next thing that should be in focus is to even out the skin texture. Smoothen the skin. Give the baby flawless skin. Go through the skin texture individually by hand rather than using any presets. It will give a natural finish to the picture

Maintain the white balance

Maintain the white balance in the photo. When your camera doesn’t do the photo justice, you have to justify yourself. Mostly it works on infants’ photos. But if, for any reason your photo turns out to be too blue or yellow then you must adjust the hue and saturation for the perfect balance of the photo.

Or if you are working in Adobe Photoshop then you can choose white balance option from the layer panel.

Keep It Natural

There are tons of options to do. And make the pictures look outstanding or dreamy. But not all of them will give a natural-looking finish to the newborn photo. But it will look very crappy and unrealistic. So, keep it as simple and natural looking as possible. Because at the end of the you will edit the newborns photo to connect it with the viewers.

Sometimes the baby will have some birthmarks. It’s always wise to leave the birthmark on. The birthmark makes the baby unique. It will make the baby’s identity unique and make a good memory in the future. You can also go for black-and-white filters. It is easy and also elegant at the same time.

If you are making an album then make sure to maintain the consistency. Consistency of the output of the picture. If you think there is any chance of messing up then make presets of the edited images so you don’t mess it up.

Things to Keep in Mind to Edit Newborn Photo - Keep It Natural

Where to Find the Best Newborn Editing Services

If you want to have a photo editing service, you will find tons of options. But it’s hard to find a reliable and trustworthy photo editing service provider. In short, best service at a low cost. Hard to find but not impossible. Check out Color Clipping Ltd.’s website for your desired service at a budget-friendly cost.

Color Clipping offers newborn services like Light retouching, Skin smoothening, adjusting red/blotchy areas, cleaning up dry, flaky skin, Color correction, Background retouching, adding digital backdrops, Props adding, and Perfect composition.

The best part is it starts just at $1. So why are you waiting? Get the best service at the low cost and time effective way possible.

All Over Thoughts

Just like photography, photo editing is also an art. Not all can master this technique. It needs time and patience and the perfect tools to achieve the perfect newborn picture.


Since the newborn photos need color correction and skin smoothing mostly that’s why Adobe Lightroom is the best option. Still, it depends on what kind of editing you want to perform on the picture. If you want to do background removal or work on details then I would say go for Adobe Photoshop. It also depends on the editors’ comfort platform.
Some essential editing steps can be adjusting exposure, adjusting white balance, enhancing colors, retouching skin blemishes, and adding gentle sharpening. Even though there can be many more steps that you can add to your editing steps for newborn photo editing these steps can help improve the overall look and feel of the image.
Don’t exaggerate the editing, keep it as simple as possible. Maintain realistic patterns like, don’t make the picture look unrealistically dreamy and something extraordinary.
No, babies come in all different colors. No, there is no need to make a black baby white or a white baby black. But what you need to consider is the even tone. Make sure the baby’s skin tone is even throughout the picture.
Anika Wahab Photo
Written by

Anika Wahab

Hello, it's Anika, Content Executive from Color Clipping Ltd with a devotion to contributing my skills and knowledge more simply. Keep learning and growing with us.