How Much Do Jewelry Photographers Charge?

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Photography is an art, but not everyone is an artist. It needs practice and dedication to master anything. If you are looking for a jewelry product photographer then this blog is for you.
These days you will find many photographers working in various fields. But not all the photos will give you the same vibes. Not all of them will attract you equally. Also, there are many photographers.
In the beginning, it might seem confusing, how much does jewelry photography charge? Some professional photographers charge high and some are cheap. But the question arises, which one to choose?
Initial Research on Jewelry Photography Pricing
Everything starts with proper planning. Photography also. If you want to find a perfect photographer you have to look for an expert in that field. In this case, it would be jewelry photographers.
Search who are the best jewelry photographers in your area. But the best quality works come with the price. At the same time, some newly good photographers will charge less to enter the market and hold a position in it.
Why hire a Professional Photographer?
After doing the initial research and seeing the cost and rate of a photographer, you might wonder why you don't do it by yourself. Right? After all, it’s all about clicking a button.
You set the setup, put the jewelry, turn on the camera and click the view. Turn off the camera, do some editing and boom! Your pictures are ready. Sounds easy. Now let’s zoom out a bit and see the bigger picture for a sec.
Things to Keep in Mind Before Starting
Professional photography is not something you can start just in a few minutes. But since you want to do it by yourself let’s see the consequences that you might face.
1. Equipment
Even if you think about buying the basics of photography tools then you have to count $2000 on average. Since you have decided to click a professional photo, you must buy everything from the beginning. From camera to lenses, professional lights, professional props for the shoot, etc.
- Camera- You need to buy a professional camera first to start any kind of photoshoot. Professional cameras for jewelry photography are Nikon D3500, Nikon D850, Nikon Z 6, Sony a 7 III. The prices of cameras can go from 200$ up to 900$ (Camera price will vary depending on time, place and brand). You also need to learn camera settings for jewelry photography.
- Lightings- You will feel relief after knowing that you don’t actually have to spend a penny here. Because most of the independent photographers believe natural lighting is best for jewelry photography. so, $00 in lighting.
- Tripod- To avoid any kind of blurry or shaking photo, a tripod comes handy. You will find decent quality camera tripods within $10-$30.

2. Time
Equipment will cost you money and this process will also cost you time. You will need 2+ days to buy all the necessary stuff and set up everything for the photoshoot. You can also count a day extra to understand all the settings and practice.
3. Patience
After having all of that now it’s time for the experiment. Take the whole day and shoot your jewelry as you want. You might start working after getting excited to start something new with all the new equipment.
But soon you will find yourself confused and panicking and doubting about your life decisions. Life crisis… You might also blame the equipment and decide to buy a more expensive and more featured one. But wait… Please don’t do that. Give up and go home. No, seriously. Give up and give the job to the right person. Save your time, money, and energy.
How Much Does a Photographer Cost?
Professional jewelry photography can cost starting from 10$ to 60$ in the case of decent photographers and can go up to 500$ in the case of high-end photographers. Pictures cost depending on various things. Things like…
Art Direction in Photography- Art direction is something that makes your picture look more aesthetic and grabs the attention of the customer to have their second glance at the product.
Number of Images- The cost also depends on how many pictures you want to have. The quantity depends on the cost.
Availability- Many times photographers set their price of photography depending on their schedule. In this case, you won’t find any photographers at an affordable cost who are in demand.
Based on Skills- Experience also comes with a price. There is no doubt that expert photographers will charge more than newbies. Then have more knowledge and can give you better pictures in comparatively less time.
Hourly Rate- Photographers also charge based on the time they are giving you. Most of the time they charge hourly based.

Since Jewelry photography is all about business and making your jewelry business boost, Professional photography is very important to have. Not only photography but also post-processing like photo editing is as important as photography. You should choose your option wisely. You should choose according to your budget, the size of your business, your customer market, etc. Depending on these you will know what photography cost will suit your business.

Anika Wahab
Hello, it's Anika, Content Executive from Color Clipping Ltd with a devotion to contributing my skills and knowledge more simply. Keep learning and growing with us.
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